HELM Chart Documentation:
https://github.com/jenkinsci/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/jenkinsJenkins Helm Value file
- A Kubernetes cluster with admin privilege.
- Helm & Kubectl install at your local.
- Download Value file
- Value file setup for basic installation.
- Install Jenkins on K8 under the Jenkins namespace.
- Additional installation part.
- Agent configuration options & Pipeline examples.
- Advance value file and agent configuration
Introduction to value file
Download value.yaml
from link and replace the below values.
## kubectl cluster-info | grep 'Kubernetes control plane'
## Update the url
kubernetesURL: "https://******"
## Initial Password Setup.
adminSecret: true
adminUser: "jadmin"
adminPassword: "kernel@123"
Install Jenkins on K8 under the Jenkins namespace
$ kubectl create namespace jenkin
$ helm repo add jenkins https://charts.jenkins.io
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo jenkinsci
jenkinsci/jenkins 4.12.0 2.426.2 Jenkins - Build great things at any scale! The ...
The helm upgrade
command is typically used to upgrade an existing release. However, the --install
argument ensures the release is created if it does not exist. This means helm upgrade --install
creates and updates a release, removing the need to juggle installation and upgrade commands depending on whether or not the release exists.
The name of the release is future-jenkins
, and the final argument jenkinsci/jenkins
defines the chart to be installed.
The output looks something like this:
$ helm upgrade --install future-jenkins jenkins/jenkins --values values.yaml -n jenkin
Release "future-jenkins" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: future-jenkins
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Feb 02 08:13:11 2024
NAMESPACE: jenkins
STATUS: deployed
1. Get your 'jadmin' user password by running:
kubectl exec --namespace default -it svc/myjenkins -c jenkins -- /bin/cat /run/secrets/chart-admin-password && echo
2. Get the Jenkins URL to visit by running these commands in the same shell:
kubectl --namespace default port-forward svc/myjenkins 8080:8080
3. Login with the password from step 1 and the username: admin
4. Configure security realm and authorization strategy
5. Use Jenkins Configuration as Code by specifying configScripts in your values.yaml file, see documentation: http:///configuration-as-code and examples: https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/tree/master/demos
For more information on running Jenkins on Kubernetes, visit:
For more information about Jenkins Configuration as Code, visit:
NOTE: Consider using a custom image with pre-installed plugins
It’s time to connect
kubectl --namespace jenkin port-forward svc/future-jenkins 8080:8080
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
adminUser: “jadmin”
adminPassword: “kernel@123”
Additional installation part
For private clusters, Jenkins plugin needs to be installed manually.
Comment below lines and set installLatestPlugins as false
# - kubernetes:4174.v4230d0ccd951
# - workflow-aggregator:596.v8c21c963d92d
# - git:5.1.0
# - configuration-as-code:1670.v564dc8b_982d0
installLatestPlugins: false
Offline Jenkins Plugin Installation
Note: Once the Helm installation is done, Jenkins won't function properly until you manually install the plugins because Jenkins Helm designed to work with some minimum settings comes from those plugins.
Agent configuration options & Pipeline examples.
Agent configuration can be done using UI or Helm
Login UI > Manage Jenkins > Clouds > Kubernetes > Pod Template > default.
Under Pod template, you can add multiple containers; the default is jnlp ( established connection to Jenkins controller).
Example 1: Let’s consider: Need a docker runtime for the pipeline.
Jenkins HELM Chart offer a default docker dind ( docker inside docker ), from value file uncomment under additionalContainers and remote the []
- sideContainerName: dind
repository: docker
tag: dind
command: dockerd-entrypoint.sh
args: ""
privileged: true
cpu: 500m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 1
memory: 2Gi
Or Using UI > Login
Scroll down > Add Container > Container Template
Name : dind
Docker Image : docker.io/docker:20.10-dind
Working Directory : /home/jenkins/agent
Environment : dockerd-entrypoint.sh
Advance > Run in privileged mode user ID and Group id 0
Add Environment Variable > Environment Variable ( Applicable for all additional containers )
JENKINS_URL : http://jenkins.jenkins.svc.cluster.local:8080 [ may vary depends on your setup]
Pipeline Examples 1 :
podTemplate {
node("jenkins-agent") {
stage('Run shell') {
container('dind') {
sh 'docker'
jenkins-agent : It’s the pod template label.
Manage Jenkins > Clouds > Kubernetes > Pod Template > default > Labels
container : additional container name
Example 2: Let’s consider Needing a docker runtime for the pipeline but in your custom docker image.
Above settings ( Default agent jnlp + Dind ) and add another container ( docker cli installed to the container) and environment variable JENKINS_URL and below ( Container specific )
DOCKER_HOST = tcp://localhost:2376
DOCKER_CERT_PATH = /certs/client
Inside pod they all can access each other using localhost. DOCKER_HOST connecting your custom container to docker dind runtime and you can get full fledge docker runtime inside your container.
>> Scroll down to the bottom > Volumes [ This volume setting is global for all containers under the pod template ]
podTemplate {
node("jenkins-agent") {
stage('Run shell') {
container('custom_container') {
sh 'docker'
Note :::::::::
For additional URL path
- jenkinsUriPrefix: “/jenkins
Security Header required if you Jenkins behind proxy
- X-Forwarded-Host
- X-Forwarded-Port
An example of running behind Azure APIM
Apim URL : example.com
Jenkins Path : example.com/jenkins
Jenkin namespace : jenkins
Istio — DestinationRule & VirtualService
APIM -> K8 endpoint with header -> Istio traffic to SVC
APIM Configuration Sample.
<set-header name="host" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="X-Forwarded-Host" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="app" exists-action="override">
<base />
<rewrite-uri template="@(context.Request.OriginalUrl.Path.Replace(context.Api.Path+"/jenkins",""))" copy-unmatched-params="true" />
<base />
<base />
<base />